Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
Mental Clarity & Decision-Making in Academia | 13.11.2024 09:00 - 17:00 (Wed) | Online | Vicent Botella-Soler, Ph.D. |
Which experiment should I do next? Which job offer should I accept? What would be the best next move? Where should I focus my efforts? The path of the academic is full of decisions, and they all seem crucial. However, many of the hurdles we face in our decision-making stem from the way we think about the decisions themselves and a number of documented cognitive biases.
In this workshop we will work on emotional and psychological aspects of decision-making such as worry, procrastination, regret, and decision paralysis. We will also review the most common biases affecting our decision-making process as academics and practice some useful tools and strategies to reduce their impact.
- Learn what constitutes a decision and which factors can influence or add complexity to it.
- Understand the role of emotion in decision-making.
- Reflect about our beliefs about uncertainty and how they affect our emotions about our decisions and their evaluation.
- Gain familiarity with the most common cognitive biases affecting our decision-making.
- Practice tools and strategies to improve our decision-making, reduce procrastination, tackle worry and defuse regret.
The workshop will run on a hybrid format, with Live Sessions for discussion and group exercises, and self-paced Learning Modules based on video content and written material.
At the beginning of the doctorate | during the doctorate | at the end of the doctorate
Laptop/tablet with stable internet connection, microphone, webcam, Zoom (in most cases).
- A lot of practical tips and a very light-hearted atmosphere.
- The variety of content, information about misbeliefs on decision making and academic work and the tools we got to know for better decision making.
- The content was very well structured, concrete and direct.
Vicent Botella-Soler has been a PhD student (physics), a Postdoc (neuroscience), a machine learning consultant for startups, an R&D manager for tech companies. With extensive international experience in both academia and industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development. He specializes in critical thinking and decision-making for individuals and teams. See more at: www.dickersonetal.com