Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
Research Data Management Basics | 14.05.2024 09:00 - 11:00 (Tue) | Online | Sonja Thielen |
The training offers an introduction to research data management (RDM). You will learn how to plan and implement sustainable handling of research data, which infrastructure offers can support you in this process, and how to meet third-party funders' requirements regarding RDM.
• to be able to apply measures to comply with FAIR principles
• to know the components of a data management plan
• to be able to structure and document research data
• to know infrastructure offers for data storage, archiving, and publication of research data
Input of experts, exercises, individual work, group work, exchange
☒Beginn der Promotion / Beginning of the doctorate
☒Während der Promotion / During the doctorate
☒Endphase der Promotion / End of the doctorate
camera, headphone, speakers
Sonja Thielen works as data steward at TUM Research Data Hub. She studied biology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. Then she worked as a research scientist at the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen. She has been working in the field of information science for two years and specializes in research data management and open science.