Course 8: Work-Life Balance

Welcome & Networking, Good Scientific Practice & Research Integrity04.12.2024 10:00 - 18:00 (Wed)TUM Graduate School
Course 8: Work-Life Balance05.12.2024 09:00 - 17:00 (Thu)Monique Hernández
Course 8: Work-Life Balance06.12.2024 09:00 - 16:00 (Fri)Monique Hernández
work-life-balance, energy level, roles, reflection, setting priorities, self- and time management, setting boundaries
Course Description: 

To be successful as a doctoral student, you need one thing above all: that you are doing well. But most of the time we totally neglect ourselves during this time. Whether writing the dissertation, planning and conducting experiments, or supervising students - everything is important(er) and urgent(er). But trying to manage the PhD marathon at sprint pace comes at the expense of your own health and productivity. In this training, you'll (re)focus on what's important, strengthen your energy sources, and learn strategies for managing stress. In addition to techniques and tools to manage your work efficiently and set priorities, the main focus will be on taking a look at yourself and saying yes to yourself instead of just to others.

Course aims: 
  • Focus on the essentials - What is important to us?
  • Essential areas of life and their balance
  • Energy balance 
  • From reacting to active shaping
  • Recognizing and dealing with stress
  • Techniques and tools for time management
  • Setting the right priorities
  • Saying no / setting limits
Teaching methods: 

Inputs & impulses, self-reflection, group work, mindfulness exercises, feedback, discussions.

Participation requirements: 


Technical requirements: 


Course preparation: 


Additional information: 


Graduate School Geschäftsstelle
Responsibility for event: 
In Präsenz
Course Language: 
Course Capacity (Max): 
Duration in hours: 
Financial contribution: 
Monique Hernández

Monique Hernández (M.A. Interkulturelle Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung) ist als systemische Beraterin, Trainerin und Mediatorin tätig. Mit Pragmatismus und Effizienz unterstützt sie Teams und Einzelpersonen dabei, ihre (Zusammen-)Arbeit so zu gestalten, dass sie effizient ist und zufrieden macht. Ihre Herzensthemen sind (Selbst)Führung, Selbstorganisation sowie Kommunikations- und Konfliktmanagement. Dabei arbeitet sie mit unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen wie BerufseinsteigerInnen, DoktorandInnen, Mitarbeitenden und Führungskräften. An der TUM GS gibt sie Trainings zu Work-Life-Balance und Bewerbungsvorbereitung.