All Women – Be Entrepreneurial! „Drive Your Life“ (online)

ONLINE: All Women – Be Entrepreneurial! „Drive Your Life“14.07.2020 10:00 - 16:00 (Tue)onlineDoris Schönbeck
Course Description: 

The highly interactive Workshop “All Women – be entrepreneurial!” is a workshop especially focusing on female participants. 

Founding a start-up or working in a start-up is more and more becoming a valid career option especially for women. But how to get started?

Besides inspirational stories of successful female entrepreneurs, the workshop will tackle the following topics:

  • How can I develop a start-up idea?
  • Which entrepreneurial skills do I already have and which can I develop strategically?
  • What is design thinking and lean startup and how can these tools support me in my daily life?
  • How can I develop my mindset, language and inner attitude to become a game changer?

This course will be conducted online.
Technical requirements: Access to internet, laptop, camera, microphone.
Your E-Mail adress may be forwarded to the trainer for organizational reasons.

Graduate School Geschäftsstelle
Course Language: 
Course Capacity (Max): 
Day Units: 
Duration in hours: 
Financial contribution: 
20 EUR
Doris Schönbeck