Controlled by Stress or Stress Under Control? (online)

Controlled by Stress or Stress Under Control?10.07.2020 09:00 - 16:30 (Fri)onlineMonika Maria Thiel
Course Description: 

A doctoral project is a challenging and demanding endeavor. It requires a lot of energy, commitment and stamina. Hence, maintaining a good work-life-balance is key and will remain relevant throughout your professional life. A large number of employees is affected by a burnout at some point of their career. However, it does not have to get that far!

Would you like to actively protect yourself against a potential burnout? Do you feel exhausted and would like to know how to realign and balance your vitality and your personal life with your commitment for your PhD project?

This workshop provides you with an overview of warning signals and critical factors that might lead to burnout or stress-related disease. You will receive check lists in order to identify relevant signals at an early stage. Special interest will be paid to factors that enhance your health and prove useful as “first aid kit” when feeling exhausted.

Case examples and suggestions together with practical exercises and self-reflection help you transfer your newly acquired knowledge. At the end of the workshop you will be able to identify critical pitfalls coming from stress, handle them in a more relaxed and constructive way thus using them for your own benefit.

This course will be conducted online via Zoom. Please make sure that you are able to use Zoom in advance.
Technical requirements: Access to internet, laptop, camera, microphone.
Your email adress will be forwarded to the trainer for organizational reasons.

Graduate School Geschäftsstelle
Course Language: 
Course Capacity (Max): 
Day Units: 
Duration in hours: 
Financial contribution: 
20 EUR
Monika Maria Thiel