Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
How to Play the German Research and Innovation System: A Hands-On Career Guide for Early Career Researchers | 23.01.2025 09:00 - 16:30 (Thu) | TUM Graduate School: Boltzmannstraße 17, 85748 Garching bei München, Room 101 | Dr. Anke Soemer |
How to Play the German Research and Innovation System: Individual Coaching Sessions | 24.01.2025 09:00 - 16:30 (Fri) | Individual Coaching Sessions online | Dr. Anke Soemer |
How to Play the German Research and Innovation System: Individual Coaching Sessions | 28.01.2025 09:00 - 16:30 (Tue) | Individual Coaching Sessions online | Dr. Anke Soemer |
The workshop provides an overview of the German research and innovation system and addresses the particularities of conducting research in higher education institutions, non-university organisations and the private sector. It explores essential professional skills to become an independent, internationally visible researcher and raises strategic issues in career development, such as geographic, thematic and intersectoral mobility.
The programme aims to assess the current researcher position, to identify individual career goals and to develop a road map for how to achieve them.
- Navigate the German research and innovation landscape,
- Understand the career system in academia and non-university research organisations,
- Identify potential career opportunities beyond research and teaching,
- Recognise the building blocks for sustainable career development,
- Develop a career road map for your personal setting
This highly interactive workshop employs trainer presentations, plenary discussions, individual and small group work, experience sharing, expert advice and an individual coaching session.
During the doctorate | at the end of the doctorate
Laptop/tablet with Zoom for the individual consulting session.
On the second or third day, each participant receives a 45 minute, individual coaching session. Please block all days as indicated, otherwise we cannot assign you a time slot!
- Good overview, time for individual questions, extra coaching session, small group working session.
- I particularly liked the individual coaching sessions. Also the time frame was very well suited and frequent pauses really helped to stay focused.
- The one-on-one consultation was great.
Dr. Anke Soemer holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (Cooperation in European Science and Technology Policy) and works in the field of Research Policy and Strategy at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft since 2015. She has experience as a consultant, trainer and coach in science and technology (6 years) and worked for 20 years in science management and as a Leader in HR at the Max Planck-Gesellschaft.
Further information: www.academic-futures.de/profile