Titel | Zeit | Ort | Dozent |
Good Scientific Practice | 27.11.2025 09:30 - 15:00 (Do) | Online | Helga Nolte |
Based on the DFG's recommendations and guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice (2013 and 2019), participants will receive an introduction to the topic and an overview of local, national and international regulations on good scientific practice. Frequent areas of conflict and the gray areas between questionable scientific practice, rule violations and misconduct will be addressed using case studies from the areas of supervision, authorship and documentation. An overview of the existing ombudsman system will be given and examples of how to deal with scientific misconduct, including possible sanctions, will be presented. In addition, there will be ample opportunity to ask questions and address any uncertainties. The content is based on the 2019 revised recommendations of the curriculum for courses on “Good Scientific Practice”, which was created on behalf of and in cooperation with the Ombudsman for Science.
Main topics: Introduction to good scientific practice, misconduct in research, conflicts of interest, scientific cooperation, dealing with conflicts and scientific misconduct, authorship
☒ Beginn der Promotion / Beginning of the doctorate
☐ Während der Promotion / During the doctorate
☐ Endphase der Promotion / End of the doctorate