Applied statistics in life science systems

Applied statistics in life science systems05.11.2024 09:30 - 16:00 (Di)Graduate Center of Life Sciences, Seminarroom (Micro) 1st (floor, Alte Akademie 8a, 85354 FreisingProf. Dr. Cornelius Senf
Applied statistics in life science systems07.11.2024 09:30 - 16:00 (Do)Graduate Center of Life Sciences, Seminarroom (Macro) 1st floor, Alte Akademie 8a, 85354 FreisingProf. Dr. Cornelius Senf
Applied statistics in life science systems12.11.2024 09:30 - 13:00 (Di)Graduate Center of Life Sciences, Seminarroom (Macro) 1st floor, Alte Akademie 8a, 85354 FreisingProf. Dr. Cornelius Senf
Applied statistics in life science systems19.11.2024 09:30 - 16:00 (Di)Graduate Center of Life Sciences, Seminarroom (Macro) 1st floor, Alte Akademie 8a, 85354 FreisingProf. Dr. Cornelius Senf
Applied statistics in life science systems26.11.2024 09:30 - 16:00 (Di)Graduate Center of Life Sciences, Seminarroom (Macro) 1st floor, Alte Akademie 8a, 85354 FreisingProf. Dr. Cornelius Senf
Statistics, Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, R
Beschreibung Kursinhalt: 

The course gives an overview of basic and advanced statistical modeling techniques, their limitations and how to deal with those limitations, and how to approach complex data analysis projects. The course will also deepen the student’s knowledge in the programming language R, even though the focus is on statistics.


• Mathematical basics and probability theory
• Parameter estimation and uncertainty
• Misuse of statistcs and causality
• Simple models
• Model checking
• More complex models
• Hierachies
• Bayesian statistics


Lecture, Demonstrations, Excercises (PC), Homework

Der Kurs ist für Promovierende in folgender Phase geeignet: 

☒ Beginn der Promotion / Beginning of the doctorate
☒ Während der Promotion / During the doctorate
☒ Endphase der Promotion / End of the doctorate


Basic knowledge in statistics, knowledge in R is a plus

Technische Voraussetzungen: 



There will be prior reading material and a refresher on R

Fachspezifische Veranstaltung
Art der Veranstaltung: 
Graduate Center of Life Sciences
Verantwortung für Veranstaltung: 
In Präsenz
Maximale Teilnehmendenzahl: 
Umfang in Stunden: 
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Senf

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Senf leads the Professorship of Earth Observation for Ecosystem Management at the School of Life Science. He has a background in geography and physics and his research focusses on the use of Earth Observation technology for understanding ecosystem change. He also has long experience in teaching applied statistics, including classes at Bachelors, Masters and PhD level at Humboldt-University of Berlin, ETH Zürich and Technical University of Munich.