Project Management and Time Management - Realize your goals in an efficient and resilient way

Project Management and Time Management - Realize your goals in an efficient and resilient way05.09.2024 09:00 - 17:00 (Do)onlineDr. Angela Firmhofer
Project Management and Time Management - Realize your goals in an efficient and resilient way06.09.2024 09:00 - 17:00 (Fr)onlineDr. Angela Firmhofer
Project management, time management, self-management, resilience, work-life balance, creativity techniques, communication, project management tools, project development
Beschreibung Kursinhalt: 

Do you want to define and follow your (career) path independently and autonomously?

Do you want to realize your goals successfully by using project-, time- and self-management?

Do you want to carry out and conclude your projects effectively, efficiently and with a high portion of self-awareness?

Do you want to know how to communicate with your professional and private surroundings to support your goals?
In this training, Angela Firmhofer provides you with different tools that will make it easier for you to embark on your different project journeys, rule them and finish them in a successful and satisfactory way:

You want to be happy; you want to thrive as a person, and you want to realize different professional and personal goals. If you want this all at the same time, you need project-, time- and self-management skills that include keeping an eye on your work-life balance and resilience. Thereby you will be able to tackle the individual phases of your projects from start to finish and to experience the whole project times joyfully.

  • From idea to reality: How to use creativity techniques to develop your own projects
  • How to plan and execute individual phases of your projects effectively, efficiently and resiliently
  • How to communicate mindfully and successfully with your social environment - both professionally and privately
  • How to choose and use different project-, time- and self-management tools to organize your life
  • How to practice mindfulness and resilience in your everyday life

Lectures, worksheets, breakout sessions, peer learning, individual work, group work, plenary discussions

Der Kurs ist für Promovierende in folgender Phase geeignet: 

At the beginning of the doctorate │ during the doctorate │ at the end of the doctorate



Technische Voraussetzungen: 




Sonstige Informationen: 


Das sagen Teilnehmende über den Kurs: 
  • The workshop leader is very engaging, and I liked that she brought many personal examples, e.g., from her own doctorate.
  • The atmosphere was really nice and the variety of inputs were helpful.
  • I can see the course helping students that are struggling with structuring their day and are dealing with problems in their PhD.
Fachübergreifende Veranstaltung
Art der Veranstaltung: 
Graduate School Geschäftsstelle
Verantwortung für Veranstaltung: 
TUM Graduate School
Maximale Teilnehmendenzahl: 
Minimale Teilnehmendenzahl: 
Umfang in Stunden: 
40 Euro
Dr. Angela Firmhofer

Dr. Angela Firmhofer is a geographer and cultural scientist working as trainer and consultant. Her focus is on personality development and sustainable transformation. Her guiding principle is to support people in discovering and developing their own potential, in living authentically, lovingly, motivated, communicatively competent and self-confidently and in promoting positive change for themselves, others and the world. See more on her Website