Course 3: Evidence Based Problem Solving Strategies

Welcome & Poster Session, Good Scientific Practice & Research Integrity03.07.2024 10:00 - 18:00 (Mi)TUM Graduate School
Course 3: Evidence Based Problem Solving Strategies04.07.2024 09:00 - 17:00 (Do)Prof. Dr. Guido Ellert
Course 3: Evidence Based Problem Solving Strategies05.07.2024 09:00 - 16:00 (Fr)Prof. Dr. Guido Ellert
Problem Solving, Personality, Solving Mindset, Individual Problem Screening
Beschreibung Kursinhalt: 

In today's business and research environment, organizations have identified critical thinking, psychological bias, and problem-solving skills as skills that are essential to the success of an employee and their organization. The most successful professionals can assess the environment, analyze a situation, design high-quality solutions, and ultimately win in a competitive scenario.

  • Personality Development: How to identify and evaluate a critical need and develop a tailor-made solution and identify your psychological personality preferences and the best communication style to maximize your value in high-performer teams
  • Problem Solving Technique: Understand the value creation configuration of a problem solution, We have more than 100 problem-solving processes. What are the best for every situation?
  • Applied Problem Solving: How to analyze errors to improve future performance? How failures can be analyzed to improve the future solution performance

This course demystifies, discusses, and provides application techniques for solving problems in teams. The course guides you through a problem-solving experience environment and offers many fun and often playful indoor and outdoor problem-solving scenarios. Developed and applied in many assessment centers or in-house trainings. The experience is reflected in an intense manner and associated with your psychological personality profile and high-performer team measurement tools.

Der Kurs ist für Promovierende in folgender Phase geeignet: 
  • Beginning of the doctorate
  • During the doctorate
  • End of the doctorate

No previous knowledge needed

Technische Voraussetzungen: 

Please bring your laptop.

Graduate School Geschäftsstelle
Verantwortung für Veranstaltung: 
In Präsenz
Maximale Teilnehmendenzahl: 
Umfang in Stunden: 
Prof. Dr. Guido Ellert

Prof. Dr. Ellert received his doctoral degree from the TUM Graduate school at a media and communication chair. He worked as a vice director for the AUDI Research Institute, several company consultancies and as journalist. Since 2007 he is a professor for management and lead the Media School at the Macromedia University for Media and Communication and since 2016 he is additionally professor for business psychology at a business school. His main research interests are customer insights, media platforms, management bias in complex systems, High performance teams, Digital Transformation in organizations, Higher education strategies.