Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks

Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks12.01.2024 09:00 - 10:30 (Fr)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks15.01.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Mo)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks18.01.2024 09:00 - 10:30 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks22.01.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Mo)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks25.01.2024 09:00 - 10:30 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks29.01.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Mo)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks01.02.2024 09:00 - 10:30 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks08.02.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Do)Boltzmannstraße 17, 85748 Garching bei München, Raum 101/108Dr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks15.02.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks22.02.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks29.02.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks04.03.2024 09:00 - 12:00 (Mo)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks07.03.2024 09:00 - 11:00 (Do)onlineDr. Kerstin Minnich
Scientific writing, overcoming writer`s block, efficient writing strategies, making progress with writing ongoing projects
Beschreibung Kursinhalt: 

When writing a paper or thesis, doctoral candidates often face several challenges. Amongst others, scientific texts have to address the target readership, be structured strictly and logically and be written in a precise and concise style. The complexity of such a writing project can be overwhelming, leading to lack of motivation and enhanced procrastination - especially when writing alone, as an isolated author. 

In this 8-week online workshop we will address the components of the scientific writing process, covering efficient planning and writing strategies, techniques for adequate application of scientific style- and structure conventions, and efficient revision and feedback strategies. Besides theoretical input on writing topics, participants will have plenty of opportunity to work with their own text, make progress with their ongoing writing projects and profit from the exchange with fellow writers and mutual text feedback. In addition, we will develop individual strategies to avoid writer´s block and to optimize the writing process.

  • Participants know strategies for planning and structuring a scientific manuscript.
  • Participants are able to identify structure and style conventions in scientific publications and know strategies to apply them to their own texts.
  • Participants know how to optimize their individual writing skills and how to avoid writer`s block.
  • Participants know criteria for successful publishing.
  • Participants know strategies to set up a writing routine in their everyday life and thereby make regular progress with their personal writing projects.

Presentations of theoretical background, writing exercises, group exercises, self-reflection, setting and controlling goals of ongoing writing projects

Der Kurs ist für Promovierende in folgender Phase geeignet: 

During the doctorate | at the end of the doctorate


This 8-week online workshop addresses doctoral candidates who are currently starting, or are currently within a writing project. Participants will benefit most from the workshop, if they are able to take some time for writing in between the online sessions.

Technische Voraussetzungen: 

Stable Internet connection, access to Zoom, camera, microphone.



Sonstige Informationen: 

This 8-week writing workshop is equivalent to our 4-weeks version. Difference: Within the 8-week version, participants have more time in between the sessions to make progress with their individual writing projects. Additionally to the online sessions, one session is going to be held in person.

8 weeks, divided into four weeks with theoretical input and Q&A sessions (week 1/2/3/8)/ approx. 3h 30min per week:

  • Mondays: 09.00 – 12.00: Theoretical input sessions, exercises and discussion
  • Thursdays: 09.00 – 10.30: Q&A Session: 3 slots à 30 minutes/4 participants each
  • Week 8: Thursday: 09.00 – 11.00 Final session with all participants.
Das sagen Teilnehmende über den Kurs: 
  • I am super happy that I took the course. It helped me to work more structured, to write faster and improve my writing style. I do not feel overwhelmed by my upcoming writing projects anymore but feel ready to tackle them confidently.
  • I can highly recommend this course to anyone struggling with his or her writing projects.
  • The time period over 8 weeks allowed to write in between the sessions and to try different methods presented during the workshop; the very helpful feedback of other students and of the coach; the coach who went into individual questions of the students.
Fachübergreifende Veranstaltung
Art der Veranstaltung: 
Graduate School Geschäftsstelle
Verantwortung für Veranstaltung: 
Maximale Teilnehmendenzahl: 
Minimale Teilnehmendenzahl: 
Umfang in Stunden: 
70 Euro
Dr. Kerstin Minnich

Dr. Kerstin Minnich is a biologist who obtained her doctoral title at the Ulm University, followed by a postdoctoral research period at the Leibniz Institute on Aging in Jena. In 2016, she founded SCIENCE WRITING and since then works as an editor, writing coach and workshop trainer for scientific writing with students, doctoral candidates and postdocs in life sciences.